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Skyrim Screenshots & Wallpapers (Part 1)

Regular readers will have gathered that I've been playing a lot of Skyrim lately. I put two other games on hold that I was already deep into, just because Skyrim is such an engrossing experience. One of the great reasons for its captivating nature, I believe, lies with its visual design. The game is beautiful, simply put. I constantly find myself in awe of the landscapes that lay before me, spamming the F12 key everywhere I go, like some kind of Nordic photographer. 

As I write this article, Steam says I have 790 Skyrim screenshots. And I'm still not through playing the game, so I'll most certainly be adding a few hundred more to my collection. Since I have so many, I figured I'd share some of my more artistic shots that depict some of the more beautiful aspects of the game. All of them are "ruined" by HUD elements, because I was too lazy to bother with disabling it, but I'm going to justify that I like them being there because it adds gameplay context for everything. 

Since I've got so many of these screenshots, I'll be posting them in multiple articles. Click the full article for the screens. 

These were originally taken in 1920x1080 resolution, but Blogger may have forced them to a smaller res. You can click all of them for higher resolution, and if anyone specifically wants any in 1920x1080 to use as a wallpaper, let me know and I can upload them separately. 

Skyrim Wallpaper: Word Wall

Skyrim Wallpaper: Waterfall

Skyrim Wallpaper: Mace of Molag Bal

Skyrim Wallpaper: Cave

Skyrim Wallpaper: Misty Grove

Skyrim Wallpaper: A Night to Remember

Skyrim Wallpaper: Ocean sunset

Skyrim Wallpaper: Hotsprings dragon

Skyrim Wallpaper: Hotspring geysers

Skyrim Wallpaper: Mountains and waterfall

Skyrim Wallpaper: Eldergleam

Skyrim Wallpaper: Eldergleam

Skyrim Wallpaper: Dragon fight

Skyrim Wallpaper: Two dragons at once

Skyrim Wallpaper: Under a bridge

Skyrim Wallpaper: Bridge with Waterfall

Skyrim Wallpaper: Winterhold College

Skyrim Wallpaper: Frost in Threshold

Skyrim Wallpaper: Blackreach

Skyrim Wallpaper: Solitude at sunset

Skyrim Wallpaper: Necromancy Ritual

Skyrim Wallpaper: Archmage's Quarters

Skyrim Wallpaper: Skeleton Cross

Skyrim Wallpaper: Dungeon

Skyrim Wallpaper: Alduin

Skyrim Wallpaper: Romance in the Water

Skyrim Wallpaper: Bridge

Skyrim Wallpaper: Werewolf

Skyrim Wallpaper: Werewolf

Skyrim Wallpaper: Werewolf

Skyrim Wallpaper: Graveyard

Skyrim Wallpaper: Treetops

Skyrim Wallpaper: Misty lake

Skyrim Wallpaper: Mill

Skyrim Wallpaper: Markarth

Skyrim Wallpaper: Odahviing

Skyrim Wallpaper: Portal to Sovngarde

Skyrim Wallpaper: Arctic shores

Skyrim Wallpaper: Wrecked boat

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