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Dogwoods, Lettuce and Singing Sparrow

I think spring is here to stay, really!  This past week I've enjoyed watching the dogwoods bloom and although they are not as big and bountiful as last year, I'm glad they survived the harsh winter and are celebrating spring for me.  I'm hoping the butterfly bush will show life soon, but I fear that the winter and mounds of snow were too much. This spring has been a daily habit of looking at beds and watching and waiting for signs of new life.  So far, the rabbits are nibbling away any new bulb that sprouts.

Frodo is getting a bit older and wiser.  He tends to only bark a bit at the deer and sometimes he doesn't see the rabbits! What?  That is unheard of....I know when I push publish on the post, I will find a rabbit in his mouth....that is what happens when you document life so boldly.

The spring days have a rhythm to them that I have enjoyed and snuggled into gleefully.  I shop at a vegetable market once a week picking up tons of lettuce heads and salad ingredients.  I soak and spin out the leaves at the sink, taking pleasure in such a simple task.  Sometimes I am transported to my youth and remembering the same chore executed with less happiness.  I had better things to do back then.  Now preparing fresh lettuce is satisfying-go figure.

I have a sparrow living in a tree outside my bedroom window.  Each morning she sings a bit earlier, I've grown accustom to her wake up call and enjoy listening to her.  Another sign of spring has been the hum of mowers in the distance and the scent of cut grass.  Spring peepers have been active down by the ponds, although they are supposed to be calling out at night, when the weather is drastically warm they will call out to mates in the daytime.

Have a lovely weekend!!

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